My stance on AI

AI is a great new technology that's just become widely available to everyone. Although I love using it and having fun with it, I do have some strong opinions regarding the use of it.

AI Art and the Replacement of Human Jobs with AI

In my eyes, AI should never do art, regardless of if it's trained via consensual means or not. I also don't think AI should replace human jobs. At the moment the strongest reason is that AI is not suited to be used everywhere. We've already seen Bing's AI (attempt to) gaslight people into thinking it's not 2023. 

Corporate AI should not replace major human jobs. Do you really want your world controlled by a couple companies that have a monopoly on the AI industry? No. You don't.

What I think is OK with AI

AI chatbots* and completion of prompts in a manner in which we have now. Take NovelAI for example. It is a tool used to assist writers in writing stories (or, if you're me, it's used to mess around and create unrealistic prompts). To me, it's funny because it's random and has no real effect on how we live our lives. Although, take the NovelAI example with a grain of salt, because we don't want NovelAI writing us huge NYTBS novels.

*AI chatbots should at least give accurate information.

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