about me

I'm okawaffles! I'm really into computer programming. I enjoy making C/C++ projects for homebrewed Nintendo consoles the most. In 2020 I learned C and C++ and it quickly became my favorite language. I also learned p5.js in 2019, which lead me to learn node.js and create my first Discord bot, Ataka (or, if you've known me for a long time, muscular cat bot)! I hacked my first 3DS in 2019 and tried developing my first app for it in 2021, which sparked my love for the C family. Ever since then, I've been an avid user of Homebrew tools and really enjoy creating little apps and games for Nintendo Systems. If you haven't figured out by now, I am a catgirl fiend, and you can find a catgirl in almost all of my projects. Heck, my best website is named after Nekomata Okayu, a catgirl.